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Monday 14 November 2011

How to happy your Parents

Its very easy to keep happy your parents. They are the only persons in this world who do not want to get money or anything else. They just want our attraction. Here are some simple and easy tips......
1.     Help them when needed:
Offer them help when they need, do it without any shame and do it with proud. Its importance will feel you in your older age when you will be a father or mother.
2.     Obey their Orders:
When parents preventing you from  doing a work you should stop it without any hesitation. Because you don’t know the loss or profit of it even if you are in adult age. Because they have got into this process of loss then why are you indulging yourself when you have known about its loss. For example if your parents asking you not to smoke it means that they have experienced its loss.
3.     Smile in Front of them:
Always try to smile in front of them. Because smile is a thing which even a child understands. You are smiling because you are happy and this is what your parents want. A one smile can brought a revolution in somebody’s heart. Smile should be a part of our daily life. You try it and see its results.
4.     Give them a Gift:
When you are away from home and coming after few months or weeks bring some gift for them and also for your whole family. It is not necessary that it should be a costly one but the thing is that how much sincerity is in this gift. This gift can be a Suit, Jersey in winter, a beautiful wand if they are senile, a book, something to eat etc. It’s upon your approach.

5.       Mother I Love You!
A sentence of Love towards your father or mother or towards anybody means a lot. You have experienced that parents always say affectionate words towards their children but you have often see a child say to his father or mother "I love you Father". I realize this when I got a child I understood the true love of parents. Before this I was a bit lazy in this matter. But now I feel that what parents want from us "Only Love".

6.     Share your Time with them:
We face may difficulties in our life. We tell our friends, we tell it to everybody and in reply we have often get a phrase of hope from them but we dont share with our parents who can give us real hope. As Shakespeare has said that there is no place in his world where sorrows can be sold but I think there is still a place where these sorrows can be decreased and that's are parents. This is not the point that they can do nothing in this age but the point is that they will snatch your sorrows and give you a real hope which is the real thing.

7.      Support them Financially:
If your parents have become poor, make them happy by giving them some money. Actually this money is not yours this is the money which they have spent on you in your childhood.

I don’t say that this stuff is enough because many people have different types of environment, different types of relations, and different types of nature. This article does not fulfill the requirement and importance of the topic. It’s upon you how you manage it. In the end I want to say that parents are God's gift, do not ignore them. Calling Father or Mother is easy but to be a Father or Mother is very difficult. And this is a secret of happy life that God’s will is with your parents will. They have much more expectations with us, do their help in fulfilling their hopes. There is no one other in this world like parents.


  1. Very good advise. I think these sort of blogs are need of time to motivate the young generations. You are really doing a good job and I appreciate your efforts.

  2. Nice Man! These are the thing should be in the blogs.

    Real Works.
    Asif Shahzad
