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Tuesday 29 November 2011

How to be a Good Father

It’s very easy to be a good child but it’s very difficult to be a good Father. I was really reluctant about the heading of the topic "How to be a Good Father" because i think Father is always good. But being a human being there are mistakes which a father can be make relates to his duties. There are several reasons behind it that why parents are ignoring much more their children. Our society has so fast that nobody has so much time to sit with family members and share something with them. It seems like now days it’s very hard to find someone who's saying well about his father. New generation is much more annoyed parents especially with father. I don't think the children are wrong but mistakes are from both ends.
Here are some suggestions from which we can make our family happy. These suggestions could be different for everybody in applying these things but it’s upon reader's choice that how he can implement on it.
1.      Spent time with Family:
Some Fathers miss very important occasions of their families like birthdays of the children. These types of occasions never come again and again. They are the most memorable moments of the lives of someone. You should participate in organizing this party. You can get an extra ordinary love from your children by attending and giving them some good gifts on these celebrations. Children should not be feeling their life free from father. Give them importance and show affection to them.
2.      Father is a Teacher:
Children get embraced with father. Some things they get genetically. They get everything from parents in shape of their acting. If a father is smoking in front of children then you should not be angry when you have seen your child smoking but this is your teaching. When somebody knocks at the door and you said to your child tell him that my father is not at home. This is what you are teaching to your child. Your child is weeping and asking that the neighbor’s son slapped him and you said him why you should not slapped him twice. You did not tell him that forgiveness is a big virtue. Some fathers don’t blame themselves but the truth is that they are the big reason in making his child ethically bad.
3.      Do a correct Decision:
It is often seen that father make correct decision for their child’s study. Every parent wants to make their child a Doctor or an Engineer. They may be asked to a child that what he wants to be or in which he is interested. They just want to impose their orders on children. This is very big mistake; your child may be effect by this thing through his whole life. A Child is good in sports and you are beating him and asking him to be a good Doctor. You are going against nature. A child wants to be a good photographer and you want to make him a pilot. This is very awful. So, be careful in making decision about their life because you might not be with him but he will suffer from it in completing his wishes. Don’t place unreasonable expectations from your children.
4.      Give them a Task:
You might be very surprised that in previous topic I was talking about child’s free decision and in very next topic I am talking about giving them a task. Your problem is right but I am talking about something different. My point is that when a son asks you for a motorbike or a laptop, you can give him a task: for example if son demands you for a motorbike; you ask him to become 1st in exams.  This is not necessary that he gets it or not the object is to motivate your child.  
5.      Give them Respect:
Some parents don’t respect their child in front of their friends. This is very bad thing. You should give them respect and show affection for them in front of others. This can hurt your children’s character. They can start avoiding you. Be proud to be their father in front of others. Children want to have some respect and importance from their parents. And one thing is very important too that you have to respect your wife in front of your children because they will learn from it how to respect a mother.
6.      Maintain Discipline at Home:
I am not talking about army discipline. This can be worst for you. You can make a conversation at dining table. Just maintain some simple things. Tell your children that after sunset nobody is allowed to exit. Place everything at original place after using it. Everybody should make a time table; this can be very helpful for every person at home. Get up early in morning and go for a walk with your son and have a bed early at evening. Do these things very patiently, if someone breaks rules give them very polite punishment not like an Army Officer. :) 

Monday 14 November 2011

How to happy your Parents

Its very easy to keep happy your parents. They are the only persons in this world who do not want to get money or anything else. They just want our attraction. Here are some simple and easy tips......
1.     Help them when needed:
Offer them help when they need, do it without any shame and do it with proud. Its importance will feel you in your older age when you will be a father or mother.
2.     Obey their Orders:
When parents preventing you from  doing a work you should stop it without any hesitation. Because you don’t know the loss or profit of it even if you are in adult age. Because they have got into this process of loss then why are you indulging yourself when you have known about its loss. For example if your parents asking you not to smoke it means that they have experienced its loss.
3.     Smile in Front of them:
Always try to smile in front of them. Because smile is a thing which even a child understands. You are smiling because you are happy and this is what your parents want. A one smile can brought a revolution in somebody’s heart. Smile should be a part of our daily life. You try it and see its results.
4.     Give them a Gift:
When you are away from home and coming after few months or weeks bring some gift for them and also for your whole family. It is not necessary that it should be a costly one but the thing is that how much sincerity is in this gift. This gift can be a Suit, Jersey in winter, a beautiful wand if they are senile, a book, something to eat etc. It’s upon your approach.

5.       Mother I Love You!
A sentence of Love towards your father or mother or towards anybody means a lot. You have experienced that parents always say affectionate words towards their children but you have often see a child say to his father or mother "I love you Father". I realize this when I got a child I understood the true love of parents. Before this I was a bit lazy in this matter. But now I feel that what parents want from us "Only Love".

6.     Share your Time with them:
We face may difficulties in our life. We tell our friends, we tell it to everybody and in reply we have often get a phrase of hope from them but we dont share with our parents who can give us real hope. As Shakespeare has said that there is no place in his world where sorrows can be sold but I think there is still a place where these sorrows can be decreased and that's are parents. This is not the point that they can do nothing in this age but the point is that they will snatch your sorrows and give you a real hope which is the real thing.

7.      Support them Financially:
If your parents have become poor, make them happy by giving them some money. Actually this money is not yours this is the money which they have spent on you in your childhood.

I don’t say that this stuff is enough because many people have different types of environment, different types of relations, and different types of nature. This article does not fulfill the requirement and importance of the topic. It’s upon you how you manage it. In the end I want to say that parents are God's gift, do not ignore them. Calling Father or Mother is easy but to be a Father or Mother is very difficult. And this is a secret of happy life that God’s will is with your parents will. They have much more expectations with us, do their help in fulfilling their hopes. There is no one other in this world like parents.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Parents are Important?

Some people think that their parents do not give importance to them. They think they are indulged in their work but they do not think that for whom they are doing for. It has been a trend. I often hear children are complaining about their parents. I agree that some parents do not care for their children but this category is very small in numbers. Parents influence on children in many way. They are genetically act like their parents. How they walk, talk, and react. When child becomes Adult he thinks a little bit different from his parents because he gets in some different environment like college friends. Then he acts like his friends if some of his friend smoking or drinking there is a chance that he will also do like him. Then if we blame to his parents that they do not care of their children it will be a blunder. I always thank to my parents because i am in this world because of my parents my status, my respect, is because of my parents.  

Saturday 12 November 2011

Who are Parents

We are in this World because of our Parents. Parents are our Paradise for us in this world. There are numerous right of children but  the rights of Parents are infinite. They ruined their life for our comforts. I have created this blog to pay attribute to Parents. We should love them and we should care them. In this blog there will be a lots of discussion about Parents, Children, Wife, Husband, Brother, Sister,  and for the Whole family. We will discuss about different types of problems and their solutions that we face in our family matters.

Everybody should participate in this discussion and post your comments.